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PEP for Schools EA Australian

PEP for Schools

Supporting Wellbeing and Productivity in Australian Schools

Ian Higginbottom

Our goal is to help Australian Public Servants become peak-performing knowledge workers

Why PEP?

PEP helps individuals and teams to get more meaningful work done each day, and has an enduring positive impact on the thousands of Australian Public Servants and school leaders who have attended our programs.

Our coaches are experts in productivity, and we strive to deliver programs in the best learning environment for each person – this is our meaningful work.

The proven way of achieving peak performance involves continued deliberate practice with the guidance of a professional coach

"I improved the clarity of my instruction … and this gave me an extra hour per day on work that matters."

- ACT School Principal

PEP participants report an increase in productivity of 2 hours per day

As a result, each PEP program is the equivalent of adding more than one additional trained and experienced person to your team, working on high-impact, important and meaningful work.

Based on a standard PEP program of six participants

Increased efficiency – I am across my work and my teams work. More thinking space to better plan and support team.
PEP has completely changed how I plan my day. I dedicate more quality time thanks to better planning and management.

Director/Assistant Director

Major APS Agencies


PEP for School Principals and their Assistants

A premium coaching package for School Principals and their support team.

Our School Principal clients are telling us –

  • Not enough time to spend on educational leadership, future planning and strategy work.
  • Too much time spent on administration.
  • Struggle to get even a few hours of focused thinking time each week.
  • Struggle to reduce interruptions because they want to help their staff.
  • High volume of emails and some meetings overriding important work. 
  • Varying ability to track delegated work and increase the accountability of the team.
  • Insufficient time to prepare for important meetings or other events.
  • Differing ways of working between and within the school leadership team and teaching staff.
  • Managing urgent work from the directorate.
This adds up to too much time spent on things that don’t matter, too little time spent on the things only you can do.


An experienced Executive Coach will work alongside you and your support team (EA and or business manager) to increase your efficiency, effectiveness and collaboration with others. 

Our report seeing an increase of two hours per day to spent on the high impact and meaningful work. If you had two more hours available at work, each day, what would you be doing? 

execPEP has a strong foundation based on global research into best practice behaviours and drawing from our experience working alongside thousands of senior executives, across 23 countries, over the past thirty years.

The program tailors its coaching to each client’s context and availability. execPEP is delivered across a number of sessions to ensure that behavioural and process improvements are developed and implemented over time.  New skills are continually developed, refined and personalised.

What will execPEP explore?

  • The relationship between roles and responsibilities to focus on critical strategic thinking and value-adding at the right level.
  • Creating an environment where you can trust and rely on others to do what needs to be done.
  • Clarifying the work that only you can do and developing effective delegation skills.
  • Challenging the organisational habits that reduce yours and other’s productivity.
  • Increasing your control to make deliberate choices about where and how you spend your time, be that work, home or even the gym.

“My wellbeing is now my #1 priority. My work satisfaction has now increased.”
“Back to “what is my core role and work” - Have achieved “0” emails in inbox most Fridays.”
“Early win with email (brought a feeling of greater control), changed the way I think and approach “What is my Work”.
“Clarity and focus. Time to do what matters most. Significant reduction in distractions.”
“Greater sense of competence. Different focus when home (family over work). Better concept of time (and importance of using it well).”

ACT School Principals

1:1 coaching to support


Refined workflow processes to ensure you are achieving the desired results


Manage the high-level demands of your role and the work that sits within


Get greater control over where you spend your time


Get the most out of the executive assistant relationship


Effectively manage and support your teams and key stakeholders through prioritising, delegating, communication and collaboration


Use technology to work more effectively and efficiently


Allow yourself to work productively on the most important tasks each day

PEP for Schools

A group program for up to six participants

PEP is our 'principles-based' program, that helps participants unlock what's truly important in becoming more effective and efficient and boosting workplace performance.

PEP for schools is typically undertaking by deputy principals, school leaders, business managers and senior teachers.

Our principles are simple and easy to apply.​

Group sessions provide an opportunity to explore tools, techniques, and strategies through reflection of how people work, and action on key priorities. Individual coaching sessions are designed to encourage participants to think, plan and execute.

Our focus is on replacing unproductive habits with new habits, resulting in more time on meaningful work, prolonged concentration, better management of interruptions and less procrastination.

Workshops and 1:1 coaching to support


Positive, productive work habits

Interruptions & Distractions

Tools and awareness to manage interruptions and distractions


Enhanced use of technology to achieve work goals


Tools and strategies to prioritise work effectively


Typically gain one or two hours each day to focus on high-impact work


Time to do work that has an impact


Improved work-life balance through less stress and more control of work


Skills to contribute to a culture of respect and wellbeing


Self-reflection, awareness and tools to work better in teams

Value for money

We will work with each PEP participant, at any level, to help them apply our principles so they can create the conditions where they can work best.

We typically help individuals to gain an extra hour or two per day of work invested in their Big Rocks; that is, the work that they consider to be meaningful and high return.

Based upon normal program outcomes, our program participants typically repay the investment in the program within two months of attending PEP.

The return on investment for the individual, the agency and the APS over the years following PEP is often 50 to 100 times the original investment.

To gain these outcomes we need your assistance

We need your leadership assistance to help each team member to understand that there is a personal benefit for them in attending these programs, and by attending the sessions the benefits also spread to their team, and their organisation.

To gain these benefits each participant needs to turn up at their program. To do that they need to understand that being at the program is more important, on that day, then doing a piece of non-urgent work. If they need to check the priority of work versus training on that day, then they should be clear about who they should speak to within their management team about that.

They will gain the maximum personal benefit, and you will gain maximum return on your investment if these conversations have taken place in the run up to the program commencing.

Terms and Conditions

Payment Schedules

Each execPEP or PEP program will be invoiced after the completion of the first session of the program. Fees are payable within 20 days of invoice date.

Credit card payment

If you choose to pay via a credit card, an additional 1.5% processing fee will be added to the Amount Due of your invoice. We accept Visa or MasterCard only.

Panel Agreements

You may choose to procure our programs through a panel agreement

  • Australian Federal Police Capability Support Services Panel (SON 3538332)
  • CSIRO Learning and Development Services Panel (SON3674124)

Postponement / Re-scheduling

For each execPEP session postponed within 5 working days of a confirmed date, a postponement fee of $330 including GST applies.

For each PEP program or PEP day postponed within 5 working days of the confirmed date, a postponement fee of $1,210 including GST applies.


For programs cancelled within 5 working days of the confirmed start dates, a fee of 50% of the program fee will be charged.

For programs cancelled between 6 and 10 working days of the confirmed start dates, a fee of $2,200 including GST will be charged.

Additional costs to be met by the client (where applicable)

  • Travel and accommodation of client’s staff, if required by you.
  • Interstate travel and accommodation of PEP staff, if requested by you.
  • Venue hire and equipment.

Work Health and Safety

When we deliver PEP at your offices we will comply with your induction and Work Health and Safety rules to ensure the environment is healthy and safe for our people and your team members. If a safe environment is not provided, the PEP coach will ask the client to remedy the situation. If this is unable to happen, we will not proceed with the training session, and a postponement fee will be charged as per above.

Contact Us

Website: Workplace Coaching | PEPworldwide

Email: [email protected]

PEPworldwide Pty Ltd Registered Office: 3 Board Place Chifley ACT 2606

ABN 71 131 451 280 ACN 131 451 280